Mitchellville Utilities
Water, Sewer, Garbage, and Recycle Collection
Email all forms to Breanne Appleby at
To obtain water, sewer, garbage, and recycle collection services stop in City Hall at 204 Center Avenue North, or call (515) 967-2935. A $150.00 utility deposit is required on all new accounts. The balance of the utility deposit is returned after your final bill. Any questions about any of the utilities, contact City Hall at (515) 967-2935.
The City bills residents for water, sewer, garbage, and recycling collection monthly on a single statement. Payments are due by the last day of the month, and may be mailed to the City of Mitchellville, PO Box 817, Mitchellville, Iowa 50169, or paid in person in City Hall at 204 Center Avenue North; if the office is closed, a drop box is available by the front door. You may also make your utility deposit payment via the payment link by using GovPayNet. Convenience Fees do apply, those fees go to GovPayNet.
You also have the option of having your bill paid directly from your checking or savings account. Forms for automatic bill pay, or are available at City Hall. City Hall is open from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday thru Friday. The money is taken out of your account on the 25th of the month. Should the 25th fall on a weekend or holiday, the City will do ACH payment processing on the next business day following that weekend or holiday.
Garbage is picked up every Wednesday. Please have your trash, in the BROWN garbage bin (Waste Management), at the curb by 7:00 am. Please place small items that might blow out of your container when emptied, such as packing peanuts, in a bag within the container. If you would like to request a second or third garbage bin please contact City Hall NOT WASTE MANAGEMENT! (Pick-up day is a day later after the following holidays unless the holiday falls on a weekend: New Year, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, or Christmas Day.)
Recycling is picked up every other Wednesday. Please have your recycle, in the GREEN recycle bin (Metro Waste Authority), at the curb by 7:00 am. If you would like to request a second recycling bin please contact Cassie Riley at (515) 244-0021. They will bill you directly. Check out Metro Waste Authority’s website for recyclable items:
These magnets can be picked up at City Hall during regular Business Hours.
Yard Waste is NOW picked up curbside! You can use Yard Waste Bags that you can purchase for $9 per bundle of 5 bags, at City Hall during business hours. You can also place yard waste in any BROWN PAPER BAG and purchase the orange Yard Waste Stickers for $1.50 each at City Hall during business hours. If you plan to have a lot of yard waste to recycle you can purchase a Yard Waste Cart by contacting MWA and requesting that. These Carts are about $162 per year.
The city allows open burning all year long, this is for YARD WASTE ONLY! This can only be done in your yard, any burning in the City right-of-way or road will result in a ticket from the Police Department.
If you have questions please contact City Hall.