Parks & Recreation Commission

 Erin Dayton – Chair   December 2024
Steve Zook   December 2028
 Gary Fry   December 2025
Charollette Hawxby   December 2028
 Josh Sears   December 2025
Scott Wheeler   Council Liaison    

This board currently meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the Month. They meet in the Council Chambers at 7 PM at City Hall.

Mitchellville City Park Phasing Picture

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Park and Rec Director

We are working on getting more summer opportunities for Mitchellville Youth. To make this work, we need the help of volunteers like you!

If you have an idea for a program and/or wish to volunteer, please contact Matt Cleverley, he is the Park and Recreation Director and in charge of the City of Mitchellville Recreational Programming, he can be reached at

The City of Mitchellville has two city parks with three baseball/softball diamonds. There is also an outdoor basketball court, sand volleyball court, and disc golf course. The City Park has two shelters available, that include picnic tables and charcoal grills at both, the large shelter has 2 grills. Please call City Hall at 967-2935 for reservations and more information. All shelters are first come first serve, if not reserved.

Mitchellville Park Shelter Rental Form

We offer an option to place a Memorial Bench in the City Parks, the form to apply for this is HERE. Please contact City Hall if you have any questions regarding a Memorial Bench. Please try to be specific when you are choosing a location, the direction you want the bench to face, why you would like the bench in this location, etc. This will be helpful when placing and requesting approval from the Park and Recreation Board. With all the new additions to the City Park now is a PERFECT time to think about getting a Memorial Bench for a family member, friend, or group/organization.

During the months of April to October, all Mitchellville baseball fields are set aside for community reservation during the hours of 9 am to 9 pm.  These fields may be reserved by either softball or baseball teams not affiliated with Mitchellville Little League.  All non-Little League affiliated teams must submit their desired field time and usage policy/field reservation form to reserve field space.  Steve Zook, Sports Facilities Coordinator, will preside over the scheduling of fields.  To schedule fields, please call 515-419-0998 or email Steve at  The necessary forms may be downloaded by clicking on the following link:

Baseball and Softball Field Usage Policy and Application Form

Athletic League and Little Sluggers are getting ready for another year of baseball!

We will begin accepting registrations immediately.

They can be turned in at Mitchellville City Hall or mailed to:
Steve Zook
205 2nd St NE
Mitchellville, IA 50169

If you have any questions, please contact:
Steve Zook
515 419 0998

Sign Up Forms 2022